Woohoo! The Summer Soap Box ships in just a few days!
For those of you that are getting one -- please take a minute and make sure we have the correct address on file for you. If you've moved since the last box, please, (I'm begging you) contact us to get your info updated in our system ASAP. We desperately want everyone to get their box as fast as possible, not be chasing it all over the place. You ain't got time for that! ;)
For those of you that are getting one -- please take a minute and make sure we have the correct address on file for you. If you've moved since the last box, please, (I'm begging you) contact us to get your info updated in our system ASAP. We desperately want everyone to get their box as fast as possible, not be chasing it all over the place. You ain't got time for that! ;)
You may have noticed…The Soap Box has G R O W N! …and things are changing!
- We have finally outgrown the ability to ship these babies by ourselves. In the past, it generally took us up to a week to get all the soap boxes out the door - which is not the end of the world, but we want these boxes in your hot little hands faster than that!
- In an effort to make this process as fast and seamless as possible, we are bringing on a fulfillment company (that specializes in doing this!) to help us out! From now on, we send them the data file and the boxes and they print the shipping labels and ship the boxes all in one day! Crazy, huh? It's shocking how many days it takes us just to put on the shipping labels.
Even though I know this is the next logical step -- the control freak in me is having a really hard time with this! I mean, these are my babies!
Here's hoping this goes as smooth as it's supposed to! I need a hug.