~WIN A $10 GC TO FCS!!~

It was brought to our attention on Blogtv the other night (thank you Haylie!) that the Blue Lagoon FC is sadly lacking in the description department. Haha oops! 

Help us out by writing your best, funky, quirky, funny, description and if we pick yours, you get your description featured on our website AND a $10 GC to FCS!! Well, what are you waiting for?? Lol

Please email your entries to shannon@fortunecookiesoap.com, you may enter as many times as you want. Winner will be chosen Monday Feb. 7th Good luck!

CONGRATULATIONS Haylie Smart you are the winner!!! chosen on 2/7/11

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i think it is an awesome idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




AWESOME IDEA!!!!!!!! the competition will be fierce!!


I love your sugar scrub in something tropical if i had 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 stars i would times it by infinity! love it i recomened it to anyone and every one i know kepp up the GREAT work<3 klara


Haha I think it’s going to be effin’ awesome


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