BURN BOOK Roll On Perfume Oil
BURN BOOK Roll On Perfume Oil
Dealing with a day that was way harsh or with people that are snobs and a half? Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by any mean girl. Muddled raspberries and fluffy melted marshmallows are going to make you feel less like a grotsky little byotch and transform into being really pretty. You’ll agree. You’ll think you’re really pretty.
1.5 Dram Rollerball
Vegan handcrafted perfume oil
I got zero marshmallow from this. :( I guess it's a raspberry scent but it smells like something else for me. I wasn't a fan and passed it on to someone else.
I really loved this scent. So sweet and fruity! Highly recommended!!
When this collection launched, I was most excited to purchase burn book in po. I thought I'd love raspberries and marshmallow. I still think I would love raspberries and marshmallow... but that's not what I smell here, at all. To me, it's Fruit Loops, and I know some people adore In the Loop. If you like that scent, I think you'd like this as well. I, however, don't really want to smell like Fruit Loops. I don't love stuff that's too, too sweet or fruity, but I think it's the cereal-ness that I dislike most in this. I don't hate it -- that wouldn't be fair, but it's just not what I was expecting and it's not a scent I'd normally wear.
This was part of a lovely gift from my sister so that I could try FCS.
I am a huge fan of sweet-fruity scents, so this was right on point with that. The raspberry was there, certainly, but it smelled like a fruity breakfast cereal with a strong citrus presence but a heavy raspberry bent. The marshmallow smells...toasted. Like a slightly caramelized toasty marshmallow, where you can smell the crispy sugar.
The two scents combined came out to smell more like a toasted corn-based, sugary breakfast cereal in raspberry-citrus flavor. Not unpleasant by any means! But this fragrance is far more of a scent journey than "raspberry and marshmallow" would lead you to believe.
Sweet raspberries and marshmallow - smells so good!